Recruitment Sites
Theta Fleet is responsible for putting out recruitment advertising for the fleet as a whole. Generally, COs are encouraged to put out their own sim/game advertising. However, we have a Director of Recruitment who is happy to help with advertising if needed. We will also be happy to help COs write ads, if so desired.
Below is a list of sites to place sim/game ads (this is not a comprehensive list). Most require you to join their site/channel first.
Facebook sites for advertising:
RPG Roll Call
Star Trek Sim Hub
Theta Fleet
Ultimate Play by Post
USS Galileo
Discord sites where you can recruit:
FallFest & SciWorld (Two simming/roleplaying conferences with advertising)
Project Khitomer (Anual simming conference with channels for advertising)
RPG Recruitment
RPG Want Ads
Star Trek Lounge
Star Trek Recruitment
Theta Fleet (Discord channel for Theta Fleet)
Ultimate Role Play Simming RPG and Cosplay Group
Split-World Alliance
Share these sites, and let us know if you have others to add!