Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

July 2024 Fleet Awards

Thursday, August 8, 2024 4:06 AM

2024 Fleet Awards


Task Force 23

    Gold: USS Thunderbird

    Silver: USS Artemis

    Bronze: USS Victory

Area 51

    Gold: No Way Home & USS Astrea

    Silver: USS Myogi & USS Tokyo & USS Arcadia

    Bronze: Poseidon Station & USS Concord & USS Wolff


    Task Force 23: Victory: Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere 

She has been writing the counselor of the USS Victory, her character is rather engaging, and seeing her try to overcome her fear of being on the sea has been rather great to read.

    Area 51: No Way Home: Jeff & Astrea: Hobe

No Way Home: T.J. Cotton (jeff4472) who is writing two player-characters and holds the unique distinction of being the only writer I have ever known who is faster than I am on responses. Seriously, you write something and he's answering just about immediately. It's amazing and I'm thinking about an award just for him - fastest keyboard in the apocalypse.

Astrea: Hebe/Phaedrae Cyn: She has been a loyal player for some time now and helped us put closure to a lingering plot line that we had used to get rid of a banned player. She is working on a backstory post with Kas that will take us into her history, but also teach us more about Kas’ original creation of his people. 


    Task Force 23: Kumari: Michael

Hard to choose this one, as not much has been posted again. I'm going to go with Michael this month, who was in both of the posts released in July.

    Area 51: Wolff: Anne & Concord: Katy

Wolff: Anne was right behind Katy on level of posts this month, and putting up with me is reason enough for a nomination.

Concord: Katy is always willing to write joint posts and jumped right into welcoming her deputy.


    Task Force 23: Thunderbird: Waterlogged (Parts 1 and 2)

(Part I):

Part II):

    Area 51: Poseidon Station & Arcadia

Poseidon Station: "The End of the Trail Part 1" (

In this post you see a group that has been put together to find Captain Harrington and their determination to accomplish this task despite the dangers that loom ahead.

USS Arcadia: "Here Today Gorn Tomorrow" (

A fun little shuttle mission post that Kat and I did to set things up for a much needed rescue mission.


    Task Force 23: USS Fenrir

    Area 51: USS Astrea


Task Force 23

    23-A: USS Artemis

    23-B: USS Thunderbird

    23-C: USS Resolution

Area 51

    51-A: Poseidon Station

    51-B: USS Concord

    51-C: No Way Home

    51-D: USS Myogi & USS Tokyo