Welcome To Theta Fleet!

"At the end of the day, Trek is about the family you find along the way!" - LeVar Burton

Welcome to the Mayberry* of the simming community where we strive to be a friendly, inclusive place for writers of text-based roleplaying games.

Theta Fleet is a collection of cooperative storytelling RPGs (sims) in two different Task Forces (groups).

Task Force 23 is what we call our "fleet canon." It's set in the "Roddenberry/Berman Trek" universe. That includes TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and the movies up to and including Nemesis. Some sims are set 20 or more years after the end of the Dominion War but are based on the above series. Basically, they don't blow up Romulus.

Area 51 is for Abrams Trek, DSC, PIC, LD, PRO, SNW and beyond. It includes the 2009 movie and those that came after. If the sim blows up Romulus or is based on any of the later series, it goes here.

Any sims that are set in alternate universes or other Sci-Fi/Fantasy universes go here as well.  

Our focus is on good writing and community interaction. We prefer not to use Mary Sue characters or overpowered ships because, in our opinion, that takes away some of the fun of writing. We like imperfect, flawed characters and rising to challenges. There's no shortage of new worlds and new adventures for those eager to explore.

(*Mayberry is the town in the old TV series, "The Andy Griffith Show.")

Theta Fleet Charter

In Memoriam: A tribute to those we lost

Special Thanks to:

Theta Fleet Logo designed by Marty

Redesigned in 2020 by Dee

Redesigned in 2022 by Liam

Theta Fleet patch designed by Will

     Banners by a variety of people


Theta Fleet has been honored with a Simming Prize in both 2018 and 2021. In addition, Kathryn Burke was awarded a Simming Prize in 2022.


Theta Fleet formed on December 10, 2009 when the USS Endeavor and the USS Orion (now USS Calypso) left Obsidian Fleet to create a more relaxed and friendly place to sim. They were joined by Starbase Typhon, a new sim, and formed the core fleet.

Admiral Brent McGinley, Fleet Commander, was CO of the USS Endeavor. Theta Fleet was his creation.

Rear Admiral JJ Donovan was over recruiting (only for December), and was CO of the USS Orion.

Rear Admiral John Vail was over Fleet Operations and was the first CO of Starbase typhon.

By the end of the month, they were joined by the USS Republic (which became the USS Jefferson), Starbase Pinnacle, USS Tyber, USS Archimedes (not the Archimedes that later joined the fleet), and USS John F. Kennedy.

The Fleet had its official launch on January 1, 2010, with eight sims, six of them operational.

Later that month, four more sims joined the fleet: the USS Bismarck, the USS Alabama, the USS Pendragon and the USS Blackhawk.

With the addition of these four active sims, the fleet was well on its way.

Also in January 2010, Kathryn Burke came aboard as the Deputy Commander of the fleet. One month later, her character, who was the Chief Science Officer of the Orion, stepped up to take command and changed the ship's name to the USS Calypso. (A year and a half later, the Calypso was chosen by a vote of all Game Masters in the fleet to be the Theta Fleet Flagship.)

In March, the IFS failed, and Commander Burke and Commander Lanc (the webmaster) rebuilt the IFS from scratch. (This is the IFS that was in use until the end of 2019.) Admiral McGinley was out of the country on military assignment at the time.

In January of 2011, Commander Lanc became Fleet Chief Ops.

In June of 2011, Admiral McGinley stepped down as his military service had kept him away for most of the previous year and a half and was not going to change. He, Commander Lanc and Rear Admiral Rebecca James (TFCO) left Theta Fleet with their sims (USS Endeavour, USS Pendragon, USS Alabama) to form a new fleet. Admiral McGinley stepped down as CO shortly after and the sim rejoined Theta Fleet. The new fleet closed a few months later.

On July 10, 2011, Theta Fleet held its first monthly CO meeting and Kathryn Burke was unanimously recognized as the new Commander, Theta Fleet (CTF). Vice Admiral Aric Barclay, the former JAG, became the Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet (DCTF). Rear Admiral Jensen Albertson (CO USS Blackhawk) accepted the position of JAG. The vote by the COs was unanimous in the affirmative.

     On April 21, 2012, the Theta Fleet Constitution was ratified. On May 12, 2021 the Constitution was amended as the Theta Fleet Charter.

     After several years of service and contributions to the fleet community, Vice Admiral Veruka Kitan was selected to join the Theta Fleet Command Staff as a second Deputy Commander to provide additional support in May 2021.

     Additionally, in May of 2021 Task Force 23 expanded to incorporate all Roddenberry and Berman Trek, i.e.: TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT and all movies up to and including Nemesis.

    In February of 2022 Vice Admiral Aric Barclay retired from the Theta Fleet Command Staff. Former Task Force Commanding Officer, Rear Admiral Curzon Bennett was promoted to Deputy Commander.

    In February of 2024 Theta Fleet Command Staff underwent restructuring to allow for the creation of two Fleet Resource Specialist positions. The Task Force 21 Commanding Officer and Area 51 Commanding Officer assumed the positions of Fleet Resource Specialists.

Captain Kagami Izumi became the Director of Fleet Resources: Nova (mods, skins, ranks) and Captain Ka'Tock became the Director of Fleet Resources: Personnel (characters and positions).

Two new commanding officers were promoted to oversee the task forces. Captain Marc Kidd of the USS Artemis (TF23) and Captain Qierress of the USS Quebec (Area 51).

     Theta Fleet Command Staff

     Fleet Commander

12/2009-06/2011: Commander-in-Chief: Admiral Brent McGinley (founder of Theta Fleet)

06/2011-present: Commander, Theta Fleet: Admiral Kathryn Burke

     Deputy Commander

01/2010-06/2011: Deputy Commander-in-Chief: Vice Admiral Kathryn Burke

07/2011-02/2022: Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet: Vice Admiral Aric Barclay

05/2021-present: Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet: Vice Admiral Veruka Kitan

04/2022-present: Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet: Rear Admiral Curzon Bennett

     Fleet Chief Ops

12/2009-01/2011: Chief Fleet Ops: Rear Admiral John Vail

01/2011-06/2011: Fleet Chief Ops: Rear Admiral Lanc

07/2011-present: Fleet Chief Ops: Rear Admiral Snu'Pi

     Fleet Resource Specialists

02/2024-present: Fleet Resource Specialist: Captain Kagami Izumi

02/2024-present: Fleet Resource Specialist: Captain Ka'Tock

     Judge Advocate General

01/2010-06/2011: Rear Admiral Arik Barclay

07/2011-03/2022: Rear Admiral Jensen Albertson

11/2021-present: Rear Admiral Max Hunter

     Deputy JAG

Blackcat (retired), Commander Alexander Knight (retired)

     Task Force COs

Task Force 23: Rear Admiral Rebecca James, Commodore Victor Fawkes, Commodore Curzon Bennett, Rear Admiral Veronica Constantine, Commodore Kaede Kayano, Commodore Landon Mabrade, Captain Marc Kidd

Task Force 42 (defunct): Captain Piers Figges

Area 51: Captain Josef Guerrera, Commodore Hans Shiloh, Captain Keer Avin, Captain Taiga Aisaka, Captain Qierress

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