Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

April 2024 Fleet Awards

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 2:03 AM

2024 April Fleet Awards



Task Force 23

         Gold: USS Thunderbird & RS Bellwether

         Silver: USS Kumari & Unicorn

         Bronze: USS Artemis

Area 51

         Gold: USS Astrea & USS Tokyo & No Way Home

         Silver: USS Myogi & USS Phoenix

         Bronze: Poseidon Station & USS Concord & USS Missouri & USS Wolff



         Task Force 23: Thunderbird: Lt. Lorut Vila

As problematic as the character was for the position, the writing was always interesting.

         Area 51: Wolff: Ray & Gladiator: Edruj & Poseidon: Rachel

Wolff: CMDR Tyrus Acevedo (Raymond) despite knowing he’d be leaving during this month Ray went out on a very high note coming up with a very interesting way of writing his character out of the Wolff’s story.

Gladiator: Edruj, Daughter of Thrawn. Despite the challenges of maintaining our ship's systems, Edruj has consistently displayed an exceptional mastery of engineering. Her tireless efforts and innovative solutions have ensured the Gladiator's continued functionality in the face of adversity. Edruj's dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to excellence make her a truly invaluable member of our crew.

Poseidon: Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams; Each time they're called to post, despite their busy schedule with running other sims and being on many more, they always put the best effort forward and add that creative touch that provides excellent filler and context for JP's so we can all post! They have also been instrumental over the years in providing and creating lore! Thank you!



         Task Force 23: Artemis: Viessa Kenobi

Unfortunately, due to real life circumstances we had to lose our XO. Viessa Kenobi was our Chief Medical Officer and when we lost our XO they stepped up to take the position. In the half a month that they have had their job Kenobi has shown what it means to be an XO taking a fair amount of work of my plate. I would like to commend them on all they have done thus far and in the future.

         Area 51: No Way Home: Crew & Astrea: Teresa & Phoenix: Somerild

No Way Home: The No Way Home writing group as a whole. Some have been with us since we started developing this idea in Discord chat. Through illnesses and allergies, crazy work schedules, the stresses of moving and more, this group has worked together to help create our version of the zombie apocalypse.

Astrea: Teresa (Eirly), Eirly joined on April 2, and already has 8 posts posted, and several more pending. She’s a positive presence on our Discord channel, and made a point to reach out to players OOC both for friendly chats and to start up joint posts. The entire command staff really appreciates what she has brought to the game in such a few short weeks. Unanimous Vote.

Phoenix: Somerild – Lieutenant JG Kai Nokamura

 While he only just joined the Phoenix he jumped in with both feet ready to write and eager to participate. If other players hadn't faced RL issues, which delayed their replies to various posts his personal post count would have been impressive.



         Task Force 23: Bellwether: "Signed, Sealed, and Delivered" (

         Area 51: Poseidon Station & Concord & Ontario

Poseidon Station: "Echoes In the Darkness" (

Concord: "The Repair Tour: "Trust Issues" (

Ontario: "The Needs of the One" (



         Task Force 23: USS Thunderbird

         Area 51: USS Phoenix



Task Force 23

         23-A: USS Artemis

         23-B: USS Thunderbird & RS Bellwether

         23-C: USS Kumari & Unicorn

Area 51

         51-A: USS Astrea & USS Phoenix

         51-B: USS Ontario & Starbase 400

         51-C: USS Myogi & USS Tokyo

         51-D: No Way Home