Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

2022 Simming Prize

Sunday, February 26, 2023 7:21 PM

The 2022 Simming Prize laureates are:

     - USS Wayfarer

     - Kathryn Burke

     - USS Ontario

     - Starbase 109

     - Nugra 

Honorable mentions who also received votes are:

     - USS Tokyo

     - USS Pioneer

     - Raymond Dale

     - USS Wolff

     - USS Myogi

     - USS Arizona

     - USS Damascus

     - Bravo Fleet

     - USS Sarek

     - USS Sojourner 

The Simming Prize is awarding three special honorary awards to the following people:

     - Doug Drexler (VFX, PIC)

     - Dave Blass (Production Designer, PIC)

     - Terry Matalas (Showrunner, PIC)

Misters Drexler, Blass and Matalas from Paramount have devoted a large portion of their private time with us over the past year giving personal interviews, supporting the fan community and endorsing the Simming Prize. We thank them for their outreach with the highest regard.