Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

October 2023 Fleet Awards

Friday, November 10, 2023 3:25 AM

October 2023 Theta Fleet Awards



Task Force 23

    Gold: Starbase Frontier

    Silver: Deep Space 5 & USS Calypso

    Bronze: USS Midway

Area 51

    Gold: USS COlumbia

    Silver: Starbase 50 & USS Tokyo

    Bronze: USS Myogi & USS Samurai


    Task Force 23: Calypso: Voz. 

He's wearing several hats this mission as the leader of the SWORD team on the Prowler, the Chief of Security on the Calypso, and the Chief Intelligence Officer who would like to get his hands on the tech that allows the pirates—and the Prowler—to cross between universes.

    Area 51: Samurai: Ruth 

As Romulan spy, Lyirru el’Lyrrveoth, Ruth contributed setting up the entire communication method for getting secret location to rescue team on Nomad. It's so creative and works wonderfully!


    Task Force 23: Midway: Lt. Jeremiah McEntyre MD (Marshal01)

A special thanks to Dr. McEntyre, our new third doctor who recruited two new members to the crew. We look forward to writing with all of them for the foreseeable future.

    Area 51: Myogi: Will and Mikey. These two were supposed to be separate nominations for Writer and Player, but I'm jointly nominating them for Writer for different reasons:

Will: This mission was in part his brainchild. He was the one who thought it would be fun to stick Taiga on the Myogi for a final act of The Fast & The Fleet, but I felt there was enough content potential to make it into its own mission.

Mikey: After serving for over 2 years as our Chief of Intelligence, Mikey has decided to step into our "cursed position" of Chief Engineer with a new Character, Ami Rori. I'm very much looking forward to the potential Lieutenant Rori is going to bring to the table.


    Task Force 23: Deep Space 5 & Starbase Frontier

"The Shot Heard Around the Quadrant - Part 4" (

"Turbolift Tensions" (

    Area 51: Columbia: "Satisfying Honor" (


Task Force 23:

    23-A: Deep Space 5

    23-B: USS Calypso

    23-C: USS Cavalier

Area 51

    51-A: USS Wolff

    51-B: Valhalla Fleet Yards

    51-C: USS Tokyo

    51-D: Starbase 50