Theta Fleet News

The main page of Theta Fleet can't keep all the news, so we archive it here. This has all the news from January 2019 on. (There is far too much from 2010 to 2018 to copy over. Sorry.)

October 2022 Fleet Awards

Thursday, November 10, 2022 2:31 AM

October 2022 Fleet Awards

Unit of Distinction

Task Force 23

    Gold: USS Resolution

    Silver: USS Winchester & USS Fitzgerald

    Bronze: USS Cavalier & USS Calypso & USS Ranger

Area 51

    Gold: USS Tokyo & USS Myogi

    Silver: Starbase 109 & USS Europa

    Bronze: USS Standing Bear & USS Wolff & Starbase 400

Writer of the Month

    Task Force 23: Resolution: Entire Crew

The crew worked hard this month on both mission and character development posts.

    Area 51: Myogi: Chris & Ontario: Stuart

Chris continues to be instrumental in the operations of our sim. I firmly believe he's one of the reasons why we were able to wrap up our mission as early as we did, and I don't think we could have done it without him.

Ontario: Stuart, who plays Amanda Rose, is back. Amanda is trying to keep Haruna from doing something foolish while not wanting to antagonize the pirates.

Player of the Month

    Task Force 23: Fitzgerald: Kat & Winchester: Vernon

Fitzgerald: Kat - Because she contributed to every post this month and that has helped keep the sim active in my absence. In addition, the posts have been creative, interesting, and often include other players.

Winchester: Vernon. As the CO is not filing this report, I have to nominate him. He came back with a flurry of activity and posts. He has everyone tagging and the sim is looking good—thanks to him.

    Area 51: Tokyo: Dave Carey

Dave plays Commander Thomas Johnson. He came to me and wanted to assist in getting the Tokyo back upto speed again. Not only had be brought on a character and taken the XO spot, but has been working on me with ideas of where to go next, recruited some of the new crew and jumped in feet first into the deep end on the Tokyo. I'm glad to have him aboard. 

Post of the Month

    Task Force 23: Ranger & Fitzgerald

Ranger: "The Station: Trip II (Part III)" (

Fitzgerald: "First Session" (

    Area 51: SB109: "Chess" ( Iain's returned to us with this post, and it's a good one!

TGCO of the Month

Task Force 23

    23-A: USS Resolution

    23-B: USS Endeavour

    23-C: USS Cavalier

Area 51

    51-A: Starbase 109

    51-B: USS Artemis

    51-C: USS Myogi